Sunday, January 2, 2011

Special K- Day 2

I started the Special K challenge yesterday. (I refuse to call it a diet because I MUST beat a CHALLENGE!) I weighed 149.2 when I woke up yesterday; down .4lbs which is quite surprising since I had two bowls of chips and fatty dips through the day. I went to a New Year party yesterday and had more potato chips and dip, a peice of breaded (broiled) chicken, three cheese cubes, and half a thin slice of ice cream cake but stuck to the challenge for my other four meals and woke up at 148.0! I had a bit of a slip today. There was this big disgression on how long I was supposed to work today because someone went home sick so my four hours of work were supposed to become seven but turned out to be five. But I ate when I was still supposed to work seven hours. I had a patty melt and potato salad because I hadn't brought any Special K with me thinking I'd be home in time to eat. But when I talked to my dad, he said he was making fillet mingnon which is a rare treat, especially to a college student, so I had some with his new absolutely amazing sauce recipe and a corn dish with carmalized green peppers I want to recreate. To make up for having two regular meals, I only ate two Special K meals: a meal bar and a cereal bar. I hope I still lose weight. Lucky my metabolim is reved from eating a lot of chips since Christmas.

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