Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years

I've fell of the diet and exercise band waggon after a quite troubling Christmas. Comfort food was needed and while I haven't gained for lack of real appetite, I haven't lost an ounce. But things are looking up now and the numbers will be going down. I'm starting the Special K challenge tomorrow. I went out and bought tons of the stuff today. I'm enjoying a little last romp with some portion controlled treats tonight the I'm on a strict diet for two weeks until I go back to school and after that a total makeover of my cafeteria diet (made easier by getting out of class before the healthy cafeteria closes and the fact that I never actually liked the food at the others).

Saturday, December 18, 2010


So this is it. One week til Christmas. Hopefully, I can get into the spirit next week. With major cram sessions for finals, moving, and endless hours at work I haven't really time to.
But on the bright side I finally saw 149.6 on the scale this morning. It's a tiny victory but a victory all the same.
I haven't been very hungry lately. I guess once my body realised that it wasn't running around campus constantly busy it also realised it didn't need as much food. I'm not eating very often and only a fraction of my usual portions. I'm trying to only eat super healthy foods but if I don't slip up and eat junk food I don't reach my target 1000 calories. The past two days, due to crazy circumstances popping up I decided to have my cheat day but wound up eating as much as I cared to and still winding up neatly below the 1000 mark. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So I'm pretty sure I've stayed under 1000 calories the past two days. I just haven't really felt like eating. Or doing anything really. I've been doing my hour of exercise, working, and sleeping a lot. I don't have work tomorrow and I haven't been able to go grocery shopping since I got to my parents house so I'm not sure whether or not I'll eat tomorrow; it depends on if I have an appetite. Hm.
Weight: 150.0

Monday, December 13, 2010


I finally weighed myself today. I was expecting something like 155 or 160. So it was a bit less devistating to see 151.2. Still it's disquistingly high. My BMI is 23.7. I want to be down to at least 135lbs by the end of break.
Yesterday, I had two eggs, 1/2 a peice of toast, a peanutbutter and banana sandwich, milk, mtdew, a Special K snack bar, and some sort of chicken pot pie-like thing my dad made. I have calorie counts for everything but the chicken dish which I estimate to be between 200-400 so my intake for yesterday was somewhere between 1010 and 1210. Right around my target.
Today, I'm liquid fasting with my normal rules of liquids til dinner then a 400 calorie limit on what ever my dad makes.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I still don't know what I weigh. Finals were stressful. I ate WAY TOO MUCH! I feel so fat! I couldn't step on the scale this morning. It was too stressful; too early; too fat; too much. It would have made me depressed. It would have messed up my intake. It would have ruined my good day.
I can list excuses for hours.
I'm doing a liquid fast Monday. I'll weigh Monday. It'll drive me to not eat. The fast will make the number that tiny bit less scaring. I'll do it Monday.
Today wasn't great but it wasn't terrible. I had 1/3 of a bowl of oatmeal, less than 1/4 of a cranberry muffin, two bites each out of two holiday cookies, coffee, mtdew, a cup of vegetable soup, one serving of corn chips, a salad, and half a banana. I don't have calorie counts of several items but I can guesstimate that it came somewhere around 1500 calories give or take a couple hundred. It's above my goal, but the transition from what I eat at school is pretty drastic and it's only the first day.
The most current version of my plan is 1000 calories a day, 1 hour of exercise minimum five days a week, one liquid fast day per week, one cheat day a week with an absolute maximum of 2000 calories. Cheat days must NEVER follow fast days, however, fast days after cheat days are highly encouraged. I have to give myself Christmas; no calorie counting, no obsessing, just holiday cheer. I will update my weight each time I weigh in which will be at least twice a week. I have five weeks of break; my goal is fifteen pounds. Three pounds a week. Completely do-able.
It's not exactly ana but I think it's probably going to be healthier and easier to maintain.