Saturday, December 18, 2010


So this is it. One week til Christmas. Hopefully, I can get into the spirit next week. With major cram sessions for finals, moving, and endless hours at work I haven't really time to.
But on the bright side I finally saw 149.6 on the scale this morning. It's a tiny victory but a victory all the same.
I haven't been very hungry lately. I guess once my body realised that it wasn't running around campus constantly busy it also realised it didn't need as much food. I'm not eating very often and only a fraction of my usual portions. I'm trying to only eat super healthy foods but if I don't slip up and eat junk food I don't reach my target 1000 calories. The past two days, due to crazy circumstances popping up I decided to have my cheat day but wound up eating as much as I cared to and still winding up neatly below the 1000 mark. :)

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